Brother Clark in our ward posted on Facebook that they had a bunch of bees in their tree which were up for grabs. I emailed him I was on my way and quickly looked at a YouTube video on how to get them into the hive. A few thousand bees and a queen is worth about $150. He mowed his lawn at 1:00 pm and there were no bees but by 4 there was a large swarm in the crook of a tree which was about 9 feet tall. The bees were 7 feet up in a ball about the size of a small watermelon. I already had a hive in my garage but figured it was too late in the season to order my bees.
Standing under the tree, I held the hive up to the bottom of the ball while Bro Clark pushed the bees into the box with a broom. That made them a little mad. I realized I couldn’t get the ball completely into the box with the broom so I put on gloves and pushed them down into the hive with my hand. This really got them excited and some now searched us out to sting us. I got stung on the right arm once. My friend moved back and avoided getting stung. We sat the hive on the ground so other bees could join the queen and a few hundred bees in the box. I put the top on the box, put it into my trunk and took them home and placed them on a rock. I went back a day later to the tree and saw maybe 50 bees swarming around the tree looking for the queen but no ball.
When I got home a bunch of bees tried to get into the hive by sitting on the outside of the box but most were inside. Some bees put their little butts in the air and did a dance. They were releasing pheromones to let other bees wandering around know the entrance to the queen.
1 comment:
Pretty awesome. I once had a pet wasp for two months. I hand fed him everyday. I even trained him to relearn flight. Needless to say I look forward to training with your bees.
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